Offertory Pledge for Roof Refurbishment (2024)

St Phils hopes to refurbish the church roof by replacing the tiles with colourbond sheeting. However, our ability to begin the work whilst also retaining a prudent amount of available cash (to maintain our church operations), we thought it wise to prayerfully raise funds in order to achieve this.

Would you increase your regular giving during 2024 to help cover the additional cost of the roof? Alternatively, would you make a one-off gift in 2024 to help cover that cost? If so, then please complete the Pledge for 2024 by Sunday 28th July 2024.

Be assured that your pledge information will be kept strictly confidential as forms will only be seen and processed by the St Phils Wardens.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration. We believe that together we can achieve the goal of properly resourcing our church. If you would like further information or assistance then please contact the St Phils Wardens on



  1. Part 1 (optional) and
  2. Either Part 2A or Part 2B below.
  3. Click [Submit] to return your Offertory Pledge. 

Part 1. Personal Details (optional)

Part 2A. Increase regular giving pledge for 2024

For St Phils to refurbish the church roof, from 1 July 2024, then I/we will increase my/our giving by:


Part 2B. One-off gift pledge for 2024 (before September)

For St Phils to raise funds for the roof refurbishment, then I/we will make a one off gift above my/our normal giving of: